
Why you need a personal mission statement a-stat

personal mission statement
I'm Jen!

I'm an expert brand builder, mama, health coach, cookbook lover, and a  Amazon finds fiend. I'm all about living that good life and helping those around me do the same.

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Learn how to write your personal mission statement with this foolproof formula and 20 inspiring examples.

Why do you need a personal mission statement?

Your personal mission statement is the most important promise you will make to your clients.

That’s right, I’m coming in strong here.

There’s a difference between building a service and building a brand. A service offers a solution to a specific need. A brand offers a gateway to a specific desire. You’re here because you want to build the latter.

So how do we take our businesses from service to brand?

You give your brand a mission.

What to include in your personal mission statement

Your personal mission statement is a declaration of what you’re going to do for your clients and how you plan to make it happen.

It should:

  • Express not just what you make, create, sell, or do what you do but why you do it
  • Be rooted in emotion not just cold hard facts
  • Spark brand loyalty by revealing a true desire to help not just sell

Let’s talk about that last line for a second. Your personal mission statement is an opportunity to introduce what you value and and to tell your clients that you include them in that mix.

Personal mission statement examples

Let’s use JAM Branding as an example.

JAM Branding teaches you how to build and grow your personal brand online.

Your need = wanting to build and grow your brand. My brand is here to help make that happen.

What’ I’ve just shared is my brand statement – a clear, concise articulation of what service or product I offer. Now, compare that to my brand mission statement >>

JAM Branding exists to enable female founders to build the world’s most loved brands by inspiring confidence in every woman with a dream.

Your desire = having the confidence to pursue your entrepreneurial dreams and feel set up for success. My mission is to fuel you with that confidence by helping you put your best put forward with incredible branding.

See the difference? And if you want a few more examples, this free download is for you.

Where to share your personal mission statement

If you think writing your brand mission statement is a fruitless exercise, think again. Here are three ways I want you to share your mission statement IRL.

  • In your ‘About’: Include your brand mission statement in the About page on your website, your media kit, or even the bio your social media profiles.
  • In your email signature: Including your mission statement in your email signature will make every interaction a little more meaningful by reminding those you work with why your brand is different.
  • On your hiring page: Using your mission statement here is a great way to attract the right kinds of talent to your team who not only want to work on your product but are inspired to bring your mission to life.

How to write your personal mission statement.

I’ve created a foolproof formula for writing a brand mission statement that nails it every time. Ready for it? Here goes:

My mission is to (what you do) by (how you do it) for (who you serve) in order to (value you deliver).

Not so bad, right?

It’s a simple statement that packs a lot of punch. The formula is simple but the end result can be incredibly powerful for elevating your brand to the next level.

You’ll know you’ve nailed your mission when it becomes not just a directive but a rallying cry for your team and your tribe – something everyone knows by heart and are working together to achieve.

Don’t forget to claim your freebie and leave a comment below with what questions you have about writing your personal mission statement!

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Personal brand building for movers, shakers & change makers ready to raise their influence & impact.


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