
Favorite Travel Fitness Gear

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What do you do when you’ve booked an Airbnb and don’t have access to a hotel gym? Pack what you need, plan to buy a few supplies, and adjust your workouts to make what you’ve got werk.

Here’s what makes it in my suitcase:

  • A pair of Bala bands (I have the 1 lb set)
  • Running shoes (I’ll bring trail runners if I’m doing mixed outdoor running)
  • Resistance bands (lighter for upper body, heavier for lower body)
  • Jump rump (I’ll bring this if I don’t think I’ll be running much)
  • Gliders (Great for full body!)

All of these items are small, easy to pack, & don’t add a lot of weight

Here’s what I buy:

  • Yoga mat
  • A set of 5 lb dumbbells

I’ll plan to have an Amazon Prime delivery sent to the house a day after we arrive. The yoga mat and weights I found are each less than $20 so it’s not a huge deal to leave them behind. Links below! These are also totally optional and you can get by just fine without them!

Here’s what I leave behind:

Everything else! You really don’t need more than this to get in a good work and keep it mixed up day to day – running, cardio intervals, barre, resistance strength training- so much you can do.

Resistance Bands // Dumbbells // Bala Bangles // Yoga Mat // Running Shoes // Jump Rump // Gliders

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